Bunny Stream allows you to configure a webhook URL. Our system will automatically send notifications back to this URL once a video status changes. This allows you to track the updates and progress of the video processing cycles on your side.
When the video state changes, a JSON callback will be sent back to your URL as a POST request. Below is an example object that will be sent.
"VideoLibraryId": 133,
"VideoGuid": "657bb740-a71b-4529-a012-528021c31a92",
"Status": 3
Status list
Below are the possible status codes sent with the webhook:
- 0 - Queued: The video has been queued for encoding.
- 1 - Processing: The video has begun processing the preview and format details.
- 2 - Encoding: The video is encoding.
- 3 - Finished: The video encoding has finished and the video is fully available.
- 4 - Resolution finished: The encoder has finished processing one of the resolutions. The first request also signals that the video is now playable.
- 5 - Failed: The video encoding failed. The video has finished processing.
- 6 - PresignedUploadStarted : A pre-signed upload has been initiated.
- 7 - PresignedUploadFinished : A pre-signed upload has been completed.
- 8 - PresignedUploadFailed : A pre-signed upload has failed.
- 9 - CaptionsGenerated : Automatic captions were generated.
- 10 - TitleOrDescriptionGenerated : Automatic generation of title or description has been completed.
Updated 9 months ago