Log format
bunny.net provides a simple access log format. Additionally, extended logging can be enabled upon request. For extended logging, please reach out to our support team.
A request log is stored as a new line in the log file, for example:
HIT|200|1507167062421|412|390||-|https://bunnycdn.b-cdn.net/assets/landingpage/images/cdn-video-preview-from-a-blue-moon.m4v|WA|Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/65.0.3325.146 Safari/537.36|322b688bd63fb63f2babe9de30a5d262|DE
Each field is separated by the | character and with the following format:
Log fields definitions
Cache Status (String, Possible values: HIT/MISS)
The cache status of the request. If HIT, the request was served locally from the edge node cache.
Status Code (Integer)
The HTTP status code that was returned by the server.
Request Timestamp (Big Integer)
The UTC UNIX timestamp of when the request was completed.
Bytes Sent (Integer)
The total number of bytes that were sent to the client.
Pull Zone ID (Big Integer)
The ID of the pull zone that served the request.
Remote IP (String)
The IP of the remote client that received the request. If log anonymization is enabled, the last block is replaced by a 0,
Referer Url (String)
The referer URL that was sent by the client when the file was requested.
Url (String)
The URL of the request that was served.
Edge Location Code (String)
The acronym zone code indicating which of our pops served the request.
User Agent (String)
The User-Agent header sent by the client requesting the URL.
Unique Request ID (String)
The unique ID that identified the specific request. Useful to prevent duplicate request processing.
Country Code (String)
The two-letter country code (ISO-3166) where the request came from, based on the clients IP address.
Extended logging
If extended logging is enabled, 3 additional fields are logged into the log file:
HIT|200|1507167062421|412|390||-|https://bunnycdn.b-cdn.net/assets/landingpage/images/cdn-video-preview-from-a-blue-moon.m4v|WA|Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/65.0.3325.146 Safari/537.36|322b688bd63fb63f2babe9de30a5d262|DE|12345|bytes=0-12345|Bearer: MyToken
Body Bytes Sent (Big Integer)
The total amount of bytes sent in the body of the response only, without counting the HTTP headers.
Range HTTP Response Header Value (String)
The HTTP range header value that was used to return the file. If the header is not set, this will be replaced by -.
Authorization HTTP Response Header Value (String)
The Authorization header that was sent with the request. If the header is not set, this will be replaced by -.
Updated 8 months ago