Parameter: format
Example: ?format=png

Supported input formats:

  • JPEG
  • WEBP
  • GIF
  • PNG
  • TGA
  • BMP
  • PBM
  • TIFF
  • HEIC (beta)
  • HEIF (beta)

Supported output formats:

  • JPEG
  • WEBP (maximum allowed output size of a WEBP image must not exceed 16k on either dimension)
  • PNG
  • GIF

Animation formats (preview)


Animation manipulation is still being developed, some features might change.

We support the manipulation of the following animation formats:

  • WEBP
  • GIF
  • PNG

Common pitfalls

Images will only be encoded in a WEBP format if you have WEBP enabled in your Bunny Optimizer settings.

When transcoding from a format that supports transparencies to one that does not, all transparent elements of an image will become opaque.