
Welcome to the Magic Containers quickstart, your gateway to unlocking the full potential of container deployment with a technical edge. Starting with preparing your application, we'll guide you through integrating your image registry, deploying your application, and fine-tuning its configuration.

And here's the exciting part: while testing the Magic Containers feature, you can experiment with our demo app by following this link. It's a fantastic way to get a hands-on experience.

What you'll need

Before you dive in, make sure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • A bunny.net account ( Log in or sign up for a free trial).
  • You should have a private container registry set up for GitHub or Docker. Additionally, you need to integrate this registry with the Magic Containers platform.



You can add integration to your image registry during the app deployment process.

Integrating with Magic Containers



If you are using a trial account, please note the following limits:

  • You will need to add valid payment card details to the platform to unlock trial features and help prevent misuse.
  • Trial accounts are limited to provisioning a maximum of five regions at a time. Furthermore, within each region, you can deploy up to two instances.

Now, let's integrate your private registry with the Magic Containers platform. Follow these steps:

  1. Login to bunny.net dashboard.
  2. Navigate to the Magic ContainersImage Registries and click Add Image Registry.

  1. Fill in the following fields:

  • Registry: Select the proper registry type from the drop-down menu (Github or Docker).



To integrate Magic Containers with GitHub, you must create a classic Personal Access Token (PAT) in your GitHub account. Be sure to include read:packagesand read:org permissions.

  • Username: Enter your username or organization for Docker Hub or GitHub.
  • Personal Access Token: If you are using GitHub or Docker Hub, you need to provide your personal access token. Make sure your personal access token has read-only permissions!



To learn how to retrieve your personal access token, see the official Github or Docker documentation.

  1. Click Add Image Registry. The system will then verify the token information, and a new image registry will be created.

Deploying your application

You are now ready to deploy your application, to do so, follow the steps below:

  1. Select Magic Containers and click the Add App button.

  1. Define the name of your app and select the deployment option (Deploy with Magic or Deploy with Custom Settings).

  1. Click Add Container.

  1. Name your container (ensure each container has a unique name within the application).

  1. Select the container registry, image (we only support images build for linux/amd64), and tag.

If you want your app to be available on the internet, you need to set up edge endpoints:

  1. Go to the Endpoints tab and click Add New Endpoint.

  1. Fill in required information.

  • You need to name the endpoint (it must have a unique name).
  • Decide how you want to expose the app, either using CDN or Anycast.
  • Define the container port, which is the port where the application is listening inside the container.
  • Specify whether your application inside the container uses SSL for origin (only CDN setting).



For more information on exposing your app to the internet, see our dedicated guide .

  1. Click Add endpoint and then click Add Container.
  2. Review your settings. If everything looks good, click Next Step.

  1. Click Confirm and Create.

You will be navigated to your app's overview screen. The processing button should turn green, indicating that your app is being deployed.

Congratulations! Your application is now deployed and can be accessed by clicking here:

By clicking on the hamburger menu on the right side of the screen, you can easily restart, deploy, rename or delete the app:

Need help or encountered issues?

If you encounter any difficulties or have questions while following this guide, our support team is here to assist you. Please don't hesitate to contact us via the support request form for prompt assistance.
Our dedicated support team is ready to help you resolve any issues you might face during the deployment process, provide additional guidance, or answer your questions.