About Logging
Bunny CDN provides a raw logging service giving you access to raw request logs. For high traffic zones, the logs will generally appear in close to real-time. For less-busy zones, new logs might appear with a 5-minute logging delay. The logs are available both through the dashboard as well as through our Logging API.
Privacy & GDPR
To comply with GDPR and privacy regulations all logs are provided with anonymized IP addresses. To enable full IP logging, you will first need to accept and sign the Data Processing Agreement (DPA) in your account settings. After that, a new setting will be enabled in your pull zone logging settings to disable anonymization.
Log Retention
Searchable logs are stored for up to 3 days. If long-term log storage is required, we provide an additional log Permanent Log Storage feature. If enabled, the logs will be automatically uploaded to your selected Edge Storage zone at the end of each day.
Learn more about Logging:
Updated 20 days ago