Color manipulation
Parameter: saturation
Units: Number
Range: -100 to 100
Default: 0
Change color saturation of the image.




Parameter: hue
Units: Number
Range: 0 to 100
Default: 0
Adjusts the colors of the image by rotating the color wheel. The default value of 0 is the base color and increasing the value modulates to the next color for every 33 change.




Parameter: contrast
Units: Number
Range: -100 - 100
Default: 0
Adjusts the contrast of the output image.



Apply a tint over the image. The tint function is subtractive.
Parameter: tint
Units: Hex color code
Default: ffffff




Parameter: sepia
Units: Integer
Values: 0 - 100
Default: 0
Changes the image color to the sepia color scheme.



Updated 3 months ago