Scriptable DNS helper objects

The Scriptable DNS comes with a list of helper objects to help with various tasks needed for dynamic routing. This page contains the documentation for the helper objects.


The monitoring helper allows you to check and monitor the uptime status of an IP. This is useful for uptime checking when returning DNS records. It takes a single IP parameter that is then monitored in the background.

The first time an IP is called, is it added into a background monitoring service while synchronously waiting for the initial latency. Once the IP is called again from the same server, the result is returned immediately.


Monitoring.getStatus(IP: string): MonitoringStatus

Returns the current status of the IP

MonitoringStatus (object)

The monitoring status object is returned by the Monitoring.getStatus helper and contains the monitoring information of a specific IP.


  • isOnline (boolean) - The current status of the IP (true: online, false: offline)
  • latency (integer) - The last measured latency from the DNS server to this IP
	Example usage for Monitoring.getStatus
 	Returns the A record for if the IP is online, otherwise return
export default function handleQuery(query) {
  	if(Monitoring.getStatus("").isOnline == true) {
    	return new ARecord("", 30);
    return new ARecord("", 30);


GeoDatabase is a wrapper around a GeoDNS library. It allows you to easily look up the geo location of an IP address.


GeoDatabase.resolve(IP: string): GeoLocation

Returns the [GeoLocation]( result for the specified IP based on a GeoDNS database.

	Example usage for GeoDatabase.resolve
 	Resolves the geo location for the IP and returns the country code as a TXT record
export default function handleQuery(query) {
	var location = GeoDatabase.resolve("");
	return new TxtRecord(, 30);


GeoDistance contains helper methods to help you calculate the distance between two geographical points.


GeoDistance.calculate(lat1: double, lon1: double, lat2: double, lon2: double): double

Returns the geographical distance between two geographical locations based on latitude and longitude.

GeoDistance.calculate(loc1: GeoLocation, loc2: GeoLocation): double

Returns the geographical distance between two GeoLocation objects.

GeoDistance.calculate(server: Server, location: GeoLocation): double

Returns the geographical distance between a Server object and a GeoLocation object.

	Example usage for GeoDistance.calculate
 	Calculates the distance between two points on the map and returns them as a TxtRecord value
export default function handleQuery(query) {
	var distance = GeoDistance.calculate(
    40.730610, -73.935242, // New York
    50.110924, 8.682127 // Frankfurt
	return new TxtRecord("Distance between New York and Frankfurt: " + distance, 30);


RoutingEngine helps with dynamic geographic routing, weight calculation, and round robin logic based on a list of servers.


RoutingEngine.getWeightedRandom(servers: Array, onlineOnly: bool = false, applyWeight: bool = true): Server

Returns one server from an array of servers based on a round robin weighted random principle. Additionally, servers can be filtered by online servers only. To activate weights, the applyWeight parameter should be set to true.

	Example usage for RoutingEngine.getWeightedRandom
  Returns one of the servers in a round robin fashion with the weights applied
export default function handleQuery(query) {
	var servers = new Array(
		new Server("", 40.69, -74.18, 100),
		new Server("", 40.69, -74.18, 100),
		new Server("", 40.69, -74.18, 75),
		new Server("", 40.69, -74.18, 50),
	return RoutingEngine.getWeightedRandom(
		true, // Skip offline servers

RoutingEngine.getClosestServer(servers: Array, location: GeoLocation, onlineOnly: bool = false, applyWeight: bool = true): Server

Returns one server from an array of servers based on a round robin weighted random principle that is closest to the given GeoLocation parameter.

Additionally, servers can be filtered by online servers only. To activate weights, the applyWeight parameter should be set to true.

	Example usage for RoutingEngine.getClosestServer
 	Returns the geographically closest server to the client that sent the query
export default function handleQuery(query) {
	var servers = new Array(
		new Server("", 40.69, -74.18),
		new Server("", 52.31, 4.76),
		new Server("", -37.67, 144.85),
		new Server("", 33.94, -118.41)
	return RoutingEngine.getClosestServer(
		true // Skip offline servers

Server (object)

The Server object is used to pass or return server information to various other helper methods and does not contain any functionality by itself.

constructor(ip: string, latitude: double = 0, longitude: double = 0, weight: int = 100, online: bool = true)


  • ip (string) - The IP of the server
  • latitude (double) - The geographical latitude of the server's location
  • longitude (double) - The geographical longitude of the server's location
  • weight (int) - The routing weight of the server in a weighted routing scenario