Edge Storage

Learn how to use the bunny.net Edge Storage API. It allows you to easily upload, download and delete files with just a few lines of code.
API libraries:
These libraries allow quick integration for bunny.net Edge Storage.
- BunnyCDN.PHP.Storage
- Official .NET storage library
- Official Java storage library
- Python Storage Library (Unofficial)
- Go Storage Library (Unofficial)
Please note that the Unofficial third-party clients are not maintained or developed by bunny.net. We are unable to offer support for them or confirm the security of these libraries.
Storage Endpoints:
The storage API endpoint depends on the primary storage region of your storage zone. You can also find this in the FTP & HTTP API Information of your storage zone.
- Falkenstein, DE: storage.bunnycdn.com
- London, UK: uk.storage.bunnycdn.com
- New York, US: ny.storage.bunnycdn.com
- Los Angeles, US: la.storage.bunnycdn.com
- Singapore, SG: sg.storage.bunnycdn.com
- Stockholm, SE: se.storage.bunnycdn.com
- São Paulo, BR: br.storage.bunnycdn.com
- Johannesburg, SA: jh.storage.bunnycdn.com
- Sydney, SYD: syd.storage.bunnycdn.com
Header name: AccessKey
The storage zone password also serves as your API key. You can find it on the FTP & API Access page of your storage zone in the bunny.net dashboard.

API Key Notice
Note that the storage API will not accept your global bunny.net API key or a stream API key, as those are intended for the stream API and the bunny.net API.